André Pratte

Journal La Presse

7 Rue St Jacques

Montréal, QC H2Y 1K9


CC: ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 



jeudi 3 août 2006


Objet: votre éditorial dans le journal La Presse d’aujourd’hui



Cher Monsieur Pratte,


En lisant le début de votre éditorial d’aujourd’hui je commençais à avoir des remords, je me disais qu’après tout, que peut être je n’aurai pas dû vous écrire ma dernière lettre. Mais plus j’avançais dans ma lecture plus cela changeait au fur et à mesure.


Vous dites, avec raison qu’il est difficile d’être neutre dans ce conflit, d’un autre coté, vous dites aussi « car il y a bien une faille. Appuyer de toutes ses forces le droit d’Israël de se défendre…… » 

Monsieur Pratte vous savez très bien que si Israël se met à jouer le jeu du Hezbollah, c'est-à-dire, tu m’en tues 7 et que pour ne pas être “disproportionné” je t’en tue 7, à long terme Israël ne gagnera jamais à ce jeu là. Regardez encore une fois la carte géopolitique de la région  et identifiez les pays qui veulent « du bien » à Israël.


Puisque vous parlez d’une autre opération qui a mal tourné, de 1996 celle là, et bien moi aussi je vais vous reparler encore une fois d’une autre opération, mais médicale celle là. « Un cancer, on ne l’enlève pas juste un peu, quand un chirurgien ouvre, aux vues et sues du moment, il doit parfois prendre des décisions dramatiques. » La Syrie et l’Iran par Hezbollah interposé, imposent une guerre à Israël, et si vous regardez la population de ces deux pays combinée, vous verrez que la riposte d’Israël  n’est pas du tout “ disproportionnée ”. C’est un peu comme pour une femme, elle ne peut pas « être enceinte juste un peu » La guerre on la fait ou on ne la fait pas. Le Hezbollah et ses bailleurs de fonds ne se cachent pas pour dire qu’ils veulent purement et simplement, la fin d’Israël. La seule paix dont ils rêvent pour Israël, c’est qu’Israël « repose en paix » avec une paix six pieds sous terre.


Maintenant reparlons des can-Cana-ges au sujet de Cana, je pense qu’en Anglais il y a une bonne expression pour ça « cheap shot » Hier Israël a admis que s’ils avaient su que des enfants se trouvaient à l’intérieur ils n’auraient pas visé ce bâtiment. C’est en sachant cela que le Hezbollah a pris la décision de tirer ses fusées à partir du toit ou caché derrière ce bâtiment.

Car, de deux choses l’une, ou les Israéliens savent qu’il y a des enfants et ne tireront pas, ou les Israéliens ne savent pas qu’il y a des enfants et ils viseront ce bâtiment avec plus de 60 enfants qui pensaient y avoir trouvés refuges et ainsi Israël sera condamné. Le Hezbollah par ses actions, a choisi de façons délibérées, d’envoyer à une mort certaine ces malheureuses innocentes victimes, majoritairement handicapées. Vous dites « 10 ans plus tard, alors que le village est la scène d’une tragédie similaire » ne trouvez vous pas cela bizarre vous ? Encore une fois Cana ? (voir plus bas) Les photos, la sortie des cadavres qui a été très bien orchestrée pour les cameras. Le bâtiment a été bombardé vers minuit et il ne s’est écroulé qu’à 7h du matin. Un des sauveteurs transportant les cadavres est le même que l’on avait vu 10 ans plutôt au même endroit.

En Tchétchénie et en d’autres pays sur cette planète, il n’est pas question d’Israël, et pourtant ils utilisent les mêmes méthodes que le Hezbollah, alors cesser de toujours blâmer Israël pour les « disproportions » des autres.


Êtes-vous au courant de ceci? Arutz 7 Editor [] “The hospital in Tyre, Lebanon, and Human Rights Watch both reported today that 28 people were killed in the IAF bombing in Kafr Kana this past Sunday, and not twice that number, as originally reported.”



Edmond Silber

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PS : SVP, demandez à votre rédacteur en chef de nous consacrer une page de temps en temps sur les malheurs qui surviennent aussi en Israël. Vous savez, même s’ils sont moins démonstratifs, les gens souffrent tout autant là-bas aussi.


En dépit des can-Cana-ges et des fausses nouvelles que veut nous faire avaler la machine à propagande du Hezbollah, voici ce que l’on dit ici et là sur la tragédie de Cana :


·        Stage-managed Hizballah production FrontPageMagazine, 

·        Reuven Koret writes for IsraelInsider, the bombing of the area occurred in three waves

·        The Christian Lebanese (French-language) website LIBANOSCOPIE

·        Citing work by EU Referendum showing numerous anomalies in the photos

·        Hear Koret speak about the Hizbullah manipulation on

·        The Christian Lebanese (French-language) website LIBANOSCOPIE has charged that Hizbullah staged the entire incident in order to stimulate calls for a ceasefire

·        IDF report: Hezbollah used civilians as shields in Qana (Haaretz)

·        Iranian President: Solution to Middle East crisis is to destroy Israel (Haaretz)




From: Arutz 7 Editor []
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 8:45 AM
Subject: A7news: Evidence Mounts that Kana "Massacre" was a Fake


MEvidence Mounts that Kana "Massacre" Was a FakeM,  By Hillel Fendel

The world awoke this Sunday to the news that an Israeli airstrike had killed 57 Lebanese civilians, leading Israel to stop airstrikes for 2 days - but evidence shows the "massacre" was just a fraud.

The supposed massacre caused a major turnabout in world diplomacy. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice suddenly canceled her plans to fly to Beirut, saying "my work towards a ceasefire is really here [in Jerusalem] today." The implication was clearly that the onus was now upon Israel. French President Jacques Chirac condemned Israel's "unjustified action which demonstrates more than ever the need for an immediate ceasefire," Jordan's King Abdullah called it an "ugly crime," and other world leaders echoed these sentiments.

Though Israel emphasized that Hizbullah was to blame for waging its rocket war against Israel from within a civilian population, Foreign Ministry officials repeated their "deep regret at the loss of innocent life in the campaign against Hizbullah," and were forced to promise a "thorough and comprehensive examination."

Apparently, however, the incident was all one big fraud, staged by Arab elements for the world media in order to lead precisely to the situation described above.

The central piece of evidence leading to this conclusion is the fact, mentioned by IDF officials from the very beginning, that the building collapsed a full seven hours after the Israel Air Force bombing. Why, then, would the residents inside not have been evacuated in the meantime? As Brig.-Gen. Amir Eshel of the Israeli Air Force told reporters Sunday night, “It is difficult for me to believe that they waited eight hours to evacuate it.” Without additional evidence, Eshel merely left open the possibility that Hizbullah terrorists, or explosives they left behind, caused the explosion.

"Indeed," writes Robert Spencer for
FrontPageMagazine, "it strains credulity that not only did these Lebanese civilians remain in a house that had been bombed for eight hours, but peacefully went to sleep in it after the bombing – since the victims were all apparently sleeping, despite continuing Israeli air bombardment in the area, when the building collapsed."

Gen. Eshel also said that the building was used by Hizbullah to store explosives. This was supported by a letter by Dr. Mounir Herzallah, a southern Lebanese Shiite, who wrote that Hizbullah terrorists came to his town, dug a munitions depot and then built a school and a residence directly over it.

In addition, as Reuven Koret writes for
IsraelInsider, the bombing of the area occurred in three waves. The first bombs, according to CNN correspondent Brent Sadler, did not hit the building in question, but rather landed "20 or 30 meters" away. The second strike hit targets further away, and the third strike, around 7:30 in the morning, landed over 400 meters away. The first reports of a collapsed building arrived a half-hour later.

Another CNN correspondent, Ben Wedeman, noted that there was a larger crater next to the building. He observed that the roof of the building was intact and that the building appeared not to have collapsed as a result of the Israeli strike.

Thus, the building was used to store explosives, was apparently not destroyed by the bombing, and sheltered dozens of women and children throughout a night of bombing. The identity of the victims was also not clear, except that they were not the original occupants of the building; a National Public Radio correspondent reported that they had left. "The victims were non-residents who chose to shelter in the building that night," Koret writes, and who were "'too poor' to leave the town, one resident told CNN's Wedeman. Who were these people?"

Hear Koret speak about the Hizbullah manipulation on

As an aside, the hospital in Tyre, Lebanon, and Human Rights Watch both reported today that 28 people were killed in the Kafr Kana bombing, and not twice that number, as originally reported.

Other facts brought by Koret and Spencer:

* Sometime after dawn a call went out to journalists and rescue workers to come to the scene. Though Hizbullah has been claiming that civilians could not freely flee the scene due to Israeli destruction of bridges and roads, the journalists and rescue teams from nearby Tyre had no problem getting there.

* Lebanese rescue teams did not start evacuating the building until after the camera crews came. The absence of a real rescue effort was explained by saying that equipment was lacking. There were no scenes of live or injured people being extracted.

* There was little blood, CNN's Wedeman noted, concluding that the victims appeared to have died while they were sleeping - despite the thunderous Israeli air attacks. Rescue workers equipped with cameras were removing the bodies from one opening in the collapsed structure, and journalists were not allowed near it.

* Rescue workers carrying the victims on stretchers occasionally flipped up the blankets so that cameras could show the faces and bodies of the dead. But, Koret noted, the ashen-gray faces of the victims gave cause to think that the bodies looked like they had been dead for days.

* Photos of the rescue operation transmitted all over the world are "extremely suspicious," Spencer writes, citing work by
EU Referendum showing numerous anomalies in the photos. "Most notably," he writes, "the dating of the various photos suggests that the same bodies were paraded before reporters on different occasions, each time as if they had just been pulled from the rubble. [In addition], some workers are wearing different gear in different photos, yet clearly carrying the same corpse."

* The Christian Lebanese (French-language)
website LIBANOSCOPIE has charged that Hizbullah staged the entire incident in order to stimulate calls for a ceasefire, thereby staving off its destruction by Israel and Lebanese plans to rid themselves of this terrorist plague.

Spencer concludes, "Americans and Westerners are not used to dealing with carefully orchestrated and large-scale deception of this kind. It is time that it be recognized as a weapon of warfare, and an extremely potent one at that."





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